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  • Writer's pictureLakshita Jain

A Sky of Cultural Overlaps: Ellery Twining's 'DUSTY SPRINGFIELD RECORD COLLECTION' is magnificent

Ellery Twining
Ellery Twining

Reshaping the realm of Pop music, Ellery Twining is a genre-fluid musician brimming with talent and skills to sculpt phenomenal records that change the structure of your heart. Breaking free from the confines of traditional Pop structures, Twining creates marvelous pieces that reshape the structure of the genre, leaving listeners insatiable. After the refreshing, mind-swaying debut 'REVENGE' in 2019, Twining reveals another revolting soundtrack, the third track of his latest album 'RESULTS,' titled 'DUSTY SPRINGFIELD RECORD COLLECTION' that evokes a sense of beauty within yourself reinventing your core.

Twisting and turning the knobs of Rock and Soul onto the stream of Indie Pop, Ellery Twining creates music that is like medicine and pixie dust.

A Tapestry of Incomparable Sounds: Ellery Twining's 'DUSTY SPRINGFIELD RECORD COLLECTION' is a musical-inspired melody that expresses the plate tectonics of a specific musical and cultural overlap. Conveying the experiences of a record collection shop of sorts, Twining has created an ethereal delicacy that is hauntingly beautiful to listen to.

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