Parham Gharvaisi unleashes his wrath yet again into the music scene with the dramatic metal hymns of his brand-new release 'Ghosts of Nations'! A solo musician and producer with more than 10-full length albums in his stride, Gharvaisi's artistry provides listeners with a plethora of genres from Post-Rock to Hard Rock and Melodic Metal. With electric guitar, electric bass and classic guitar being the only instruments in use, his sound is way above and beyond authentic, as it comes from his artistic insights. Parham is the new eye of the storm for the world of metal, and we're here to witness it!

Passionately interweaving the dark truths of the wonders of the world, this melody is not for beginners.
With its hard-hitting bass and Parham's dramatic voice modulations, 'Ghosts of Nations' is a notion about the societal decay that we are experiencing as a whole in terms of values, beliefs and standards. This also throws light on the historical atrocities that have shaped the face of today, and will certainly haunt the tomorrow to come. This metal hailstorm is power-packed with extremities of the debacles and will require you to endure it with a lot of guts. This is your rise into a light of awareness, and will crush your false idols. Overall, I think this is a must-listen!
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